A Day in St. Paul // Style on a Budget

What is the most exciting day for a pseudo Minnesotan? When a peek into spring arrives and you can finally wear a light jacket, and leave the parka behind. While it was a little windy, feeling the sunshine makes this California girl feel right at home.  

Jean Jacket- Roxy Purse- Just Fab (similar- blue no longer available)

Necklace- Handmade (simular)
I am so obsessed with this necklace. My sister (see her blog, here!) bought it for me from a local Lynchburg Virginia shop. It is handmade, and one of a kind. 

Jeans- Old Navy Top- H&M; Shein (simular)
Tall ladies! These jeans are from Old Navy, and they make this particular style in tall lengths (and short, too!). They are long enough that I can roll them without being an awkwardly short length.

Wait for a sale before buying anything at Old Navy! I got this particular pair of jeans for under $15 during a 30% or 40% off special. It is worth getting on their email list, having items you love saved in your cart, and going back when you get an email about upcoming promotions.

Boots- Target

Belt- Vintage (simular)
My belt is vintage. I encourage anyone wanting to get on the western belt trend to go check local thrift stores and look for vintage genuine leather options before settling for synthetic. Not only will the belt be cheaper and more durable, but it will have the perfect look.

I hope you enjoyed this outfit post; check back for another post soon!

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